In this article How to make Plastic Surgery Marketing Reach More Patients, I’m going to show you how to creatively make plastic surgery marketing reach more patients.

The secret is to be compelling so patients who see it, want to share it with their friends and family. For example:

Facebook Live Cosmetic Treatment Video for Plastic Surgery 

This is How to Make Plastic Surgery Marketing Reach More Patients… Have your staff shoot a video performing a simple cosmetic treatment on a real patient. Do something simple like a peel, IPL or micro needling treatment.

Walk the audience through what you are doing and ask the patient how they’re doing so the viewers can see how easy cosmetic rejuvenation is to perform. Invite them into your practice for a complimentary skin analysis and urge them to share this video with their friends and family.

Urge the viewers to “comment below” so you can answer their concerns and questions. The interaction helps build interest and shares.

Word-of-Mouth Referral Program

Another Retention strategy that makes sense is a referral program.

There are many ways to do this but my advice is to KEEP IT SIMPLE. These programs bomb when they are too complicated and confusing to the patients and the staff.

A super easy referral strategy is a Customized Word-of-Mouth Referral Display with take-a-way Referral Cards because your patients would refer more often IF they were reminded AND it was made EASY for them to do so.

This strategy is How to Make Plastic Surgery Marketing Reach More Patients and generates new patients every week and makes it easy for your patients to brag about you to their friends.

So you’re not hoping new patient referrals come in – they just come in automatically because they are part of your plan.

YouTube Q&A with the Surgeon

How to Make Plastic Surgery Marketing Reach More Patients also includes YouTube videos. Start your own YouTube channel and answer questions you get from your patients. Don’t overthink this or over-prepare. Just talk candidly as if you are talking to a prospective patient asking you questions about the procedure they’re interested in.

After uploading each video, send an email out to your patient list with the link to click to watch it on YouTube. Name your video with a compelling question; I.e, How Long is Liposuction Downtime?

Now anyone online looking for the answer to that question will find your video.

The above strategies on How to Make Plastic Surgery Marketing Reach More Patients included internal and external marketing ideas to execute. You can either outsource to an experienced vendor who knows about graphic design and social media advertising or assign this to your most tech-savvy employee. They can “learn on the go” by researching forums and tutorials.

What To Do Next

If you want to focus on the right activities and get results 5X faster than other practices, download my free marketing checklist now!

Source by Catherine Maley