Effective blogging is recognized by webmasters and SEO experts everywhere as a very marketable and profitable SEO tool. Regular postings on your company website blog can positively impact on your SEO campaign in several different ways:

* Creating original, relevant and keyword-rich content, thereby increasing the breadth and depth of your site information base

* Attracting search engine spiders to your site, thereby increasing your page rank standings

* Attracting users to your site, particularly those associated with your industry, thereby increasing site traffic

* Driving your company to better find its market niche in your industry

One of the great advantages of blogs concerns how well they compel inbound links to gravitate to your site. Blog content is usually industry-relevant, which leads search engines to “link together” your blog postings and tag it as industry-related information. Daily industry news updates, marketing campaigns, press releases, event general banter or dialogue – it all receives credit towards your page count, particularly if you liberally include industry catchphrases, keywords and company terms.

A related plus is that regular blog postings will increase perception of your site as a valuable source of information and of your company as an industry expert. This means that the right sets of eyes are being attracted to your site. It’s even better if the information posted is new and/or thought-provoking, since this will open the door for two-way conversation. Fellow industry folk are always interested in new ideas and new forums for expressing them, so your blog can become an effective venue where different industry opinions hold fort. Relevant discussions will inevitably prompt others to contribute their own opinions or viewpoints, thus facilitating an easy, ongoing dialogue. This type of industry chatter, and the relationships which eventually develop from it, help make regular blogging a very worthwhile exercise.

Regular blogs can have a multiplier effect on your site’s page count. There are blog host applications which actually engender a unique HTML page for each individual blog entry (i.e. Moveable Type), meaning that a single new blog page can lead to lots of new pages and a real increase in your page rank standings. Search engine indexing of your site is also enhanced, since engines consider larger sites as more apt to provide better and more all-encompassing industry expertise. The more often you blog, the more pages you create and the more frequently your site will be spidered. Companies would do well to try to blog every day, Monday to Friday. Time should probably be set aside for this. Why, you could even blog on the weekends, if your better half does not mind.

Another advantage of regular blogging is that they are relatively search engine-friendly. Invariably written in simple formats which are easy to spider, blog page codes usually contain clean, text rich HTML and are devoid of non-spider-friendly Flash or JavaScript. Also, engines love the naturally written, original content produced by blogs. Google even has its own blog search, enabling users to search for information only found on blogs.

Finally, the number of inbound links attracted to your site will be significantly augmented if you submit your blog to different blog directories. This enables it to be syndicated by an RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication), facilitating the placement of your blog online. Subscribers to you RSS feed would be informed of any new updates or postings. Sites carrying blog feeds and make them available for syndication are also repeatedly spidered on a daily basis, allowing for instant indexing.

Source by Brad Lombardo